The Rev. Patrick Blaney
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A few Sundays ago I delivered a sermon on the real problem and consequences of loneliness in our society.  I mentioned that I would like to start a group who would look at the issue and brainstorm ideas of how St. John's might be able to help in this area in our community.  Below is how I ended my sermon. 

"So here is my thinking on this in this past week.  We are social beings to the core of our beings, the studies I mentioned above underline that fact.  We as Christians are called into social communities for the health and well-being of all individuals in that community.  We as Christians are called to help those in our community and the community beyond our doors; we are called to be in service to others.  Finally, it seems to me loneliness is not an insurmountable problem; it not something for which there are no solutions.

To this end I would like to make this request and announcement.  I would like to start a working group here at St. John’s that will brainstorm ideas and come up with practical and doable actions that will help people who are lonely in our community and the community beyond our doors. Of course, there is already a number of things we do at St. John’s to bring people together.  Our services of worship, our tea and coffee fellowship, our Hospitality and Fellowship group and so on. 

But I do wonder if we could do more, particularly for the community beyond our doors.  Again, and even before Covid, loneliness was by far the biggest social problem in the Lowermainland. I kindly ask you all, and if you need to, please think prayerfully about this.  I think this is important, Christian work we could and should be doing.  It might just be a one-time brainstorming session, or it could lead into something larger.  Please do think about it and let, me know if you are interested".

If you are interested or would like more information, please call me (778-989-7676) or email me ( or talk to me in-person.  I thank you for you consideration.

The Rev. Patrick Blaney