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Stewardship Season Begins!
Stewardship Wisdom "The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away." Pablo...
The Rev. Patrick Blaney
It's Not Too Late To Donate!
Thanks to everyone who participated in our Guess Who's Coming to Dinner stewardship event last week. A big thank...
The Rev. Patrick Blaney
Help Needed For Sugar Plum Craft Fair
We will be having our Annual Sugar Plum Craft Fair on Saturday, Nov. 26! We would like to encourage people to keep...
The Rev. Patrick Blaney
Report from the recent ACW Meeting
A report from Ann Bodwell on the recent ACW meeting held at St. Agnes. 9:30 - 10:00 Registration 10:00 We went into...
Donna Lawrence
Photo Laureate October
Here is October's picture from our Photo Laureate Margaret
The Rev. Patrick Blaney
Thanksgiving Altar
We at St John's are blessed to have a fantastic Altar Guild. Here are some pictures from the Altar. A special...
The Rev. Patrick Blaney
Our First Responders Service
Our First Responders Service in recognition of the wonderful and important work the emergency services do in our...
The Rev. Patrick Blaney
A wonderful Start To Cafe Church
We had a fantastic start to our new church service Cafe Church. On Saturday, October 1 at 4:00pm 30 people showed...
The Rev. Patrick Blaney
Our New Door Sign
You may have noticed our new sign on the doors on 8th Street that open up to the lower lounge. They were designed...
The Rev. Patrick Blaney
Guess Who's Coming To Dinner
Come dine out with mystery guests at this year’s Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner/Lunch on Saturday, October 22nd....
The Rev. Patrick Blaney
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Office Hours
Tues - Sat 9:00AM - 1:00PM
Our Location
220 West 8th St.
North Vancouver, BC
V7M 1N1 Canada
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