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Baking Drop Off Times For Sugar Plum
Good morning, St. John's Bakers: Please don't forgot to make your 'baked goods' for Saturday's Sugar Plum Sale...
The Rev. Patrick Blaney
Huge Turnout For Quiet day
Here is a reflection of my experience of the Rule of Life Quiet Day at St John's Anglican Church on November 19...
The Rev. Patrick Blaney
Can You Help With Our Christmas Decorations?
In order to get ready for oyr Sugar Plum Tea on Saturday, Novemer 27, we would like to decorate the Church for the...
The Rev. Patrick Blaney
Stewardship Wisdom
"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give." Winston Churchill During our Stewardship...
The Rev. Patrick Blaney
Giving To Our Community
When Hospitality & Fellowship tallied up the funds for our Hot Seniors Lunches, we found that people had...
The Rev. Patrick Blaney
Linda Is Our New Inductee To The ODNW
On Saturday, November 5 Linda Harrison became St. John's newest inductee to the Order of the Diocese of New...
The Rev. Patrick Blaney
Hot Senior's Lunch Helps Our Community
As well as being a fun and tasty time of fellowship, our Hot Senior's Lunch also helps our community. Money raised...
The Rev. Patrick Blaney
Congratulations To Margaret and Raf!
Margaret and Raf Celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary this weekend and we were all very happy to join in the...
The Rev. Patrick Blaney
Photo Laureate Picture For November
Here is November's picture from our Photo Laureate Margaret
The Rev. Patrick Blaney
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Tues - Sat 9:00AM - 1:00PM
Our Location
220 West 8th St.
North Vancouver, BC
V7M 1N1 Canada
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